

I would like to elaborate fully on the events that have inspired me to share my story motivating me to reach out to the community of children of Vietnam Veterans.

Over the years, I know my mother has been in contact with the Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA). Maybe if they had encouraged her to take our family in for counseling years ago, things may have been different. This most recent dark time of my life was the devastating loss of my wonderful mother. The trauma associated with watching someone you love so much corrode with cancer and suffer such terrible pain is absolutely horrific.
After my mother's passing, my sister, brother, and I rallied around my father and united as a family to grieve. It was under a year since my mother's passing when my father met a woman at church. In what felt like seconds, wills were getting changed, powers of attorney revoked, and the locks changed on the family home. My dad began disowning us, and it was truly heartbreaking, especially at such a sensitive time.
However, this unexpected turn of events forced my brother, sister, and myself to finally start talking about our childhood, something we had never broached before. I always thought I was the bad kid, but as it turned out, my brother and sister also thought they were to blame. Through debriefing and delving into the past, we gradually realized that our childhoods were racked with trauma, abuse, and neglect. It was truly astonishing that none of us had acknowledged this before.
Coming to terms with this truth was not an easy realization to have. It brought forth a mix of emotions - anger, sadness, and confusion. But in some strange way, it also provided a sense of relief and validation. We finally understood that our struggles were not our fault and that we had all experienced the same pain and suffering. With this newfound awareness, we embarked on a journey of healing and resilience, determined to break the cycle of trauma and create a better life for ourselves.

We have always protected our fathers weird behaviour with a sense of loyalty and understanding. Despite the hardships and challenges he faced as a Vietnam War veteran, we were raised to never disclose the truth about his service. Our hearts overflowed with compassion for our father, especially after losing our dear mother. However, everything took a turn for the worse when this new woman entered our lives and began manipulating and turning our father against us. It was a devastating blow, and we strongly believe that his deteriorating mental health is being exploited for her own gain. This realization has ignited a fierce determination within us to stand up and share our story, to shed light on the truth. Our father is unwell, and as a family, we desperately need help and support. The thought of our beautiful mother, who dedicated her entire life to keeping our family together, being devastated by this estrangement is unbearable. Perhaps, if she had made the difficult decision to leave years ago, she might still be with us today, free from the burden of breast cancer. Maybe, just maybe, if our father had received the help he needed earlier, our lives would have been more stable and secure. It is a strange and unfortunate truth that humans often need a significant shock to jolt them into taking action and making necessary changes.